PAC Executive Role Descriptions

Below is a broad overview of the roles and responsibilities held by the PAC Executive in current and previous Jamieson years:

– runs the PAC meetings
– is the official spokesperson for the PAC
– main liaison with the school administration
– holder of the PAC chequebook; is a primary signator of PAC cheques
– drafts PAC communication and sends via mailchimp

– assists the Chair and fills in where needed
– manages the website
– manages the email inbox for
– manages Jamieson fundraisers (this is not a specific responsibility for the Vice-Chair; it can be done by any PAC member)

– keeps track of the PAC finances
– applies for Gaming Grant each year
– provides a financial report at each PAC meeting

– writes and distributes the minutes from all meetings

– assists where required
– in previous and current year, have held specific roles:

Hot Lunch Coordinator:
– determines the schedule of hot lunches for the term
– organizes the vendors
– sets up the order forms in Munchalunch
– tabulates the orders and sends final order to vendor
– organizes the volunteers
– ensures that cheques are prepared to pay the vendor when vendor arrives onsite
– deals with any issues that arise (e.g., parent concerns, absences, etc.)

Fruit and Veggie Coordinator:
– obtains Food Safe Certification (eligible volunteers will be funded by PAC)
– inspects each fruit/veggie delivery for spoilage
– organizes good product by division and advises admin to call down each class to pick up
– submits a report at the end of each delivery to report spoilage and any other details

Event Coordinator:
– primary coordinator per each event: we have had – Welcome Back Coffee, Winter Social, Strings Concerts, Spring Carnival

– attends monthly Vancouver District PAC meetings to represent, speak and vote on behalf of the Jamieson PAC and report back

Please email for further information.

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